‘The Miracle Season’ lives up to its name

“The Miracle Season” – “Do you believe in miracles?” – Al Michaels, February 22, 1980. Look up the word miracle in Google, and it’s defined as a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be a work of divine agency.  A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.  An amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something. All of us have an interpretation of a miracle.  From a sports perspective, perhaps…

Fasten your seat belts and celebrate Bette Davis’s birthday with ‘All About Eve’

Ruth Elizabeth Davis (aka Bette) was born on April 5, 1908, and by Art House Film Wire’s calculations, she would be 110 years old this year! Now, the Academy nominated Davis for a Best Actress Oscar 11 times (11 times!!) over her illustrious career, and she took home wins for “Dangerous” (1935) and “Jezebel” (1939). “All About Eve” (1950) features one of her more timeless roles.  She plays Margo, a successful theatre actress who is systematically undermined by her understudy, Eve (Anne Baxter). With a razor sharp script and led…