‘The Peasants’ doesn’t brim with riches, but it works as an eccentric curiosity

“The Peasants” (2023) – “Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends.” – “Against the Wind” (1980) by Bob Seger For Jagna Paczesiowna (Kamila Urzedowska), she is surrounded by enemies.  Kamila, 29, who could be Margot Robbie’s long-lost cousin, plays Jagna, a beautiful 20-something farmhand living in Lipce, a modest Polish village, in the late 19th century.  She’s a peasant, and like so many Lipce residents, Jagna toils on the land but doesn’t own it.  Prospects for wealth, or even simple comfort, are out of reach. Conversely, a widower, Maciej…