Celebrate Guillermo del Toro’s birthday by watching his first feature film

Acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro turns 53 on Mon., Oct. 9, so why not celebrate his birthday by watching one of his movies?  In 1993, he wrote and directed his first feature film, an odd – but very memorable – vampire story called “Cronos”. Here is a quick review of “Cronos”, and you can find the film via Netflix DVD and Amazon Streaming! “Cronos” (1993) – When you think of Dracula, what image appears? For many, it’s Bela Lugosi, who sports a black cape and exposes his fangs in the original “Dracula”…

Luckily, Harry Dean Stanton decided to star in ‘Lucky’

“Lucky” (2017) – “I’m a late bloomer.  It’s just a matter of how you evolve, of what your pace is.  Hopefully, the older you get, the more you grow.  So, that’s been my speed.” – Harry Dean Stanton Lucky (Harry Dean Stanton) walks everywhere throughout his modest, Southwestern town.  He practices yoga every morning, but he also smokes every day.  During a doctor’s visit, the good physician (Ed Begley Jr.) happily reports that Lucky’s blood pressure is a fit 115/70, and he appears perfectly healthy.  Lucky is 90 years old. …

‘The Mountain Between Us’ is worth a small climb

“The Mountain Between Us” – The fear of flying in any type of aircraft is called aviophobia, but one might suspect that a fear of crashing is its close companion or the chief reason for the aforementioned diagnosis. Ben Bass (Idris Elba) and Alex Martin (Kate Winslet) do not suffer from aviophobia, because they – without a hint of second thoughts – step into a small plane that is headed from Idaho to Denver.  Ben is a neurosurgeon trying to make it to Baltimore via Denver to perform an operation,…