10 Classic ’80s Sci-fi Moments: ‘Blade Runner’

#5 – “Blade Runner” (1982) – Roy Batty’s “Tears in the Rain” speech – To some (including us), Ridley Scott’s “Blade Runner” felt five hours long, even though its runtime is less than two.  One hour and 57 minutes, actually.  It’s true! Still, there is absolutely no denying the movie’s impact on science fiction cinema that still can be felt 36 years later. Speaking of feeling, our #5 ’80s sci-fi moment comes from a replicant, an artificial being named Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer).  He knows that his “life” is ending…

10 Classic ’80s Sci-fi Moments: ‘RoboCop’

#6 – “RoboCop” (1987) – Clarence and his gang kill Murphy – Lathered with ultraviolence, wild special effects, outright terrific action set pieces, and some humor along the way, Paul Verhoeven’s “RoboCop” proudly holds up 31 years later and still towers over its sequels and one remake. One of the many reasons is the old adage that an action film is only as strong as its villain, and whoa, does this movie have its lion’s share!  A gang, in fact, led by Clarence Boddicker played by the grumpy dad in…

10 Classic ’80s Sci-fi Moments: ‘Twilight Zone: The Movie’

“Twilight Zone: The Movie” (1983) – Rod Serling’s sci-fi television show “The Twilight Zone” burst with waves of ironic and sometimes sinister pomp and circumstance as well as ingenious writing for five magical seasons on CBS, so directors Joe Dante, John Landis, Steven Spielberg, and George Miller had enormous shoes to fill by taking this legendary program to the big screen.  Even though Warner Bros. made a healthy profit with 29 million dollars of box office receipts, critically, the film suffered with mixed reactions. The movie contained four episodes, and…