“Brooklyn” (2015) – Saoirse Ronan shines in a beautifully-filmed movie about a young Irish woman starting a new life in the bustling streets of New York City while struggling with the emotional pulls of home in County Wexford. Along with Eilis’ (Ronan) homesickness, writer Nick Hornby pens several amusing and warm moments with her boarding housemates and a new love interest, and with the film’s throwback vibe to pictures of yesterdecade, “Brooklyn” is the most graceful and lovely cinematic experience of 2015. “Brooklyn” was nominated for three Oscars: Best Picture,…
Tag: Brooklyn
‘Menashe’ effectively voices a familiar struggle in an unfamiliar environment
“Menashe” – “You must find a new wife. She will run your household. She’ll keep your home clean. It will be a fine, pious home.” – Rabbi Yaakov (Meyer Schwartz) Menashe (Menashe Lustig) is a widower who lost his wife, Leah, about a year ago. He lives alone in his Brooklyn, NY apartment but does not urgently feel the need to remarry. Unfortunately, his rabbi (Schwartz) says that he must marry again in order to be reunited with his son, Rieven (Ruben Niborski). You see, Menashe is a Hasidic Jewish…