‘The King of Staten Island’: Davidson and Apatow proudly roll out their royal comedy

“The King of Staten Island” – “My dad, if you don’t know, was a fireman, and he died on 9/11.  He was a very good dude, and I have a lot of jokes about it.  If you don’t like the first one, you probably won’t like the rest.” – Pete Davidson Yes, “Saturday Night Live” star Pete Davidson’s father died on 9/11, and this talented comic and uber-producer/director/writer Judd Apatow partnered on “The King of Staten Island”, a sprawling comedy (almost dramedy) about an unmotivated, pot-smoking 24-year-old tattoo artist whose…

‘The Disaster Artist’ is a triumphant comedic companion to ‘The Room’

“The Disaster Artist” – “I did not hit her.  It’s not true.  It’s b*******.  I did not hit her.  I did not.  Oh, hi Mark.” – Johnny (Tommy Wiseau), “The Room” (2003) For legions of “The Room” (2003) fans, the aforementioned, nonsensical line of dialogue is just one of 99 moments of cult cinema goodness crammed into a 99-minute runtime.  Written, directed, produced, promoted, and starring Tommy Wiseau, “The Room” offers a surreal experience that really cannot be compared to any other, but its popularity – via midnight screenings in…