Netflix provides a truly remarkable convenience to its millions of subscribers, with thousands of movie choices available at a simple click of a button. At the same time, so many film possibilities can create a conundrum: Which movie to choose? When an evening hinges on the quality of your movie experience, it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Art House Film Wire searched through hundreds of movies and found scores and scores of terrific films. There are lots of movies with wonderful female performances, but here are five. Judy…
Month: June 2017
Happy Birthday Nick Offerman!
On June 26, Nick Offerman turns 47, so Happy Birthday, Mr. Offerman! Nick began his acting career in 1994 but became instantly recognizable in 2009 with his star turn as Ron Swanson in the popular NBC sitcom “Parks and Recreation”. With his droll, sardonic delivery, Ron can expand on all of the ways he despises government, despite his job as the head of the parks and recreation department of a small Indiana town. Offerman has shined on the big screen in recent years as well with very memorable supporting performances…
‘The Exception’ is intriguing but not necessarily exceptional
“The Exception” – The definition of an exception is a person or a thing that does not follow a rule. In director David Leveaux’s first feature film, he wonders if Capt. Stefan Brandt (Jai Courtney) can be an exception and not follow a rule or – more specifically – his orders. Leveaux raises the stakes for the audience, because Capt. Brandt is not part of an ordinary military outfit, but a very infamous one. The year is 1940, and Brandt is a German soldier. Of course, SS soldiers who spoke…