Netflix provides a truly remarkable convenience to its millions of subscribers, with thousands of movie choices available at a simple click of a button. At the same time, so many film possibilities can create a conundrum: Which movie to choose? When an evening hinges on the quality of your movie experience, it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Art House Film Wire searched through hundreds of movies and found scores and scores of terrific films. There are lots of movies with wonderful female performances, but here are five. Judy…
Tag: Tracy Letts
Letts and Winger masterfully play a flawed couple in ‘The Lovers’
“The Lovers” – “Cheating and lying aren’t struggles. They’re reasons to break up.” – Patti Callahan Henry Michael (Tracy Letts) and Mary (Debra Winger) have been married for eons. Perhaps many of their years together have been happy, but not recently. Residing in Santa Clarita, California, this 50-something couple share a comfortable suburban home and drive to white-collar jobs that one might find near Initech, the infamous company from “Office Space” (1999). Although Michael and Mary have zero passion for their day jobs, their work does not create emotional heartburn, per…